Educator Effectiveness

Guidelines for Program Approval

On September 1, 2023, updated Guidelines for Educator Preparation Program Approval were released. These Guidelines articulate the expectation that all aspiring educators be prepared in evidence-based practices that well serve all students in Massachusetts, particularly those from systemically underserved groups and communities, such that they will have equitable opportunities to excel in all content areas across all grades. The guidelines include requirements for expected outcomes of training new educators as well as the process providers undergo to demonstrate their capacity and sustainability in preparing individuals in alignment with those expectations.

The Guidelines were shaped and informed by contributions from over 450 educator preparation personnel, preparation candidates and recent completers, district and school leaders, educators, and PK–12 students and families from across the Massachusetts. We have deep gratitude for these stakeholders' feedback. We also appreciate the members of the Educational Personnel Advisory Council, Educator Preparation Advisory Group, and Principal and Teacher Advisory Cabinet who provided ongoing collaboration throughout the revision process. Their contributions underscore a collective commitment to preparing educators in evidence-based, anti-racist, and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in order to meet the needs of all students.

We commit to continuing to work with these and other stakeholders to improve the experiences and outcomes of the PK–12 students, current educators, and future educators of Massachusetts.

The anticipated academic year for each Sponsoring Organization's next review can be found in this Anticipated Review Timelines document.

  • *Note: The timeline has been updated to reflect the proposed schedule for early literacy-specific reviews.

Resources and Supports

As the Guidelines provide a high-level description of expectations and processes, stakeholders also requested resources to strengthen their understanding of the shifts and how they align with expectations for PK–12 schools and districts. In addition to the changes made to the Guidelines, we have and will continue to provide more detail through a variety of resources, updates, and communications.

In the coming months, we will be building out, refining, and sharing resources that detail each step of the program approval process. We will also be developing recruitment, training, and support resources for our external reviewers and materials for organizations undergoing review. Throughout this work, we will rely on collaboration through several key opportunities, including:

  • Ed Prep Advisory Group — This group will inform resources for each step of the program approval process, including processes for the recruitment, selection, and support for external reviewers. Members of the 2023-2024 Ed Prep Advisory Group have been selected! They are:
    • Deirdre Bradley-Turner, Emmanuel College
    • Christopher Clinton, UMass Dartmouth
    • Tyra Good, Elms College
    • Melisa Grandison, Teach Western Mass
    • Keisha Green, UMass Amherst
    • Nicole Harris, Salem State University
    • Desiree Ivey, Shady Hill School
    • Tia Lites, Lesley University
    • Stephanie Logan, Springfield College
    • Jennifer Madonna, Northeastern University
    • Victor Pereira, Harvard University
    • Ryan Redmond, Tufts University
    • Raphael Rogers, Clark University
    • Juan Manuel Rosendoza, Teach for America
    • Stacy Szczesiul, UMass Lowell

  • PST/CAP Working Group — Members of the Working Group will inform updates to the PST Guidelines and aligned revisions to the CAP Guidelines.

  • Communities of Practice — Starting this fall, DESE will be hosting regular, open-door sessions for colleagues across Sponsoring Organizations to brainstorm, problem-solve, and share best practices on key topics elevated through public comment. Additional information about the Communities of Practice will be shared soon.

Please reach out to with any questions.

Last Updated: June 18, 2024